No matter your industry, when it comes to designing cutting systems, the need for equipment that can last multiple years, through multiple cycles, while withstanding harsh environments is a must. From food to shavings and anything in between, cutting means debris. So asking - and answering - the right questions in advance can help successfully influence the design of any automation project.
In a recent webinar - 10 Critical Questions to Ask When Designing Automated Cutting Equipment - Alex Marques, Associate Product Manager at Bishop-Wisecarver, and Mike Santora, Associate Editor at Design World, discuss these questions to help anyone avoid common pitfalls during the design process, and look at the top considerations for deploying motion systems that will be long-lasting.
Divided into three categories of consideration, here is a sneak peek at a few of the top 10 questions you should be asking:
Setting the Parameters
Question #1 - How long is the machine expected to last?
Optimizing Results for your Customers
Question #6 - How can I increase flexibility and decrease changeover times?
Optimizing for your Production
Question #9 - What resources can I use to design faster?
And while questions are a great starting point, answers are what we all ultimately want. Watch the webinar to get both and check in with Alex directly at amarques@bwc.com. Contact info@bwc.com with any additional questions for your specific design challenge.