Digital transformation continues to be a hot topic for businesses as it is a proven way for companies of any size to leverage innovative new technologies and significantly reduce costs, while also improving operations, performance, safety and, ultimately, the bottom line. These efforts might begin with a focus on one part of a company, but the benefits can extend throughout the organization and externally to customers and partners.
Linear Motion Blog
Posted: August 26, 2020||
Problem solving is what many of us do all day everyday. But if we solve one problem by creating another, we still have work to do. And sometimes that second problem is bigger than the original issue. This is a dilemma faced in the new era of precision agriculture and robotic farming where the equipment designed to solve certain problems, brought many of their own. Bishop-Wisecarver took on these new design challenges to ensure reliable autonomous motion in this specialized equipment that has to work 24/7 in harsh and extreme environments.
When performing vital tests in hospitals or clinical labs, results must be accurate and quick. Prescribed medical care for individuals, or decisions that could impact large groups of people, are depending on these results and no one wants a delay.
From songs to books to entertainment and common phrases, there are no shortages of rings to discuss. The same holds true for today’s manufacturers. They want to conserve floor space by developing circular or complex curvilinear paths for product movement within production workstation cells and must choose between using slewing rings or vee guide ring systems. Multiple ring options, but what is the best choice? As with most situations, both products have their benefits and best use cases.
Located in Pittsburg, California, Bishop-Wisecarver (BW) has been under a Shelter in Place order since March 17. Like everyone else throughout the world, COVID-19 has changed nearly every aspect of our “normal” ways of doing business, but as a team, we’ve found new solutions to meet these challenges. And we’ve found those silver linings throughout the process as we’ve continued to manufacture linear motion products daily and provide our Signature Experience for customers.
Let’s get back to the basics! Chances are, since you are reading this blog, you have some working knowledge or interest in linear motion technology. But has anyone ever explained the foundational knowledge key to long term success in selecting the best motion solutions moving forward? If not, this is that day.
Pamela Kan, President of Bishop-Wisecarver, has been advocating for the manufacturing industry on the local, state and national level for more than 20 years. She is a strong and respected voice and was recently appointed to Governor Newsom’s Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force. As one of 80+ members selected from California’s business, political and social sector, Pamela is tasked with helping bring back the state’s economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. As she represents the manufacturing industry in this state-wide group, Pamela was also asked to join one of Governor Newsom’s recent Economic Recovery and Reinvention Listening Tour episodes focused on manufacturing.
Most of us have more action items on our lists, but less time to complete them. We need the best information and resources to make successful decisions, but we don’t have extra hours to make that happen. With that in mind, Bishop-Wisecarver developed 4 short videos that provide overviews of some of our most popular motion technology products.
Helping customers quickly is always a priority for Bishop-Wisecarver (BW), but we also want to ensure the best solution for each specific project. What good is fast if it doesn’t solve the problem? With the new Product Configurator customers get both speed and accuracy as the entire process takes approximately 5 minutes and includes CAD drawings, LoPro® actuator product descriptions and even specific stock codes to make the online ordering easier.
Happy 50th Anniversary to the celebration of Earth Day! The first event in 1970 included approximately 10 percent of the US population that year—20 million people —and is credited with launching the modern environmental movement.