Linear Motion Blog

  1. Top 10 Questions to Ask When Designing Automated Cutting Equipment

    Top 10 Questions to Ask When Designing Automated Cutting Equipment
    No matter your industry, when it comes to designing cutting systems, the need for equipment that can last multiple years, through multiple cycles, while withstanding harsh environments is a must. From food to shavings and anything in between, cutting means debris. So asking - and answering - the right questions in advance can help successfully influence the design of any automation project.
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  2. Building an Industry 4.0 Workforce for the Future - Panel Discussion Highlights

    Building an Industry 4.0 Workforce for the Future - Panel Discussion Highlights
    Industry 4.0 is a much discussed topic in the manufacturing world as it has the ability to create faster, more efficient and flexible processes that produce higher-quality goods at lower costs. But while those are all great benefits, the new technology doesn’t work without a skilled workforce. The skills gap in the manufacturing industry is already extensive and figuring out how to get newly skilled workers, while training current workers, was the focus of last week’s Automate Forward panel discussion “Building an Industry 4.0 Workforce for the Future”.
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  3. Leading the Way as a Certified Evergreen Private Company

    Leading the Way as a Certified Evergreen Private Company
    As Bishop-Wisecarver continues celebrating its 70th Anniversary this year, it is the ideal timing to achieve Certified Evergreen® status from the Tugboat Institute®. This certification highlights the company’s continued commitment and vision to build and scale as a privately owned business for generations to come.
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  4. Custom Designed Actuator Increases Stability & Precision for Customer Success

    Custom Designed Actuator Increases Stability & Precision for Customer Success
    Recently, our experienced design engineers used their ingenuity and deep product knowledge  to create a custom hybrid LoProⓇ/UtiliTrakⓇ actuator for the DJS Systems Trim Press Automation (TPA) solution.  The new hybrid actuator design significantly increases the overall integrity of the overhead actuator axis, with reduced complexity due to fewer component parts. It also provides 421% more axial capacity and 300% more pitch movement capacity.
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  5. 3 Accelerators for Motion System Design to Help You Multi-Task with Success

    3 Accelerators for Motion System Design to Help You Multi-Task with Success
    So, anything that can help speed up the time-consuming, complex process around designing and developing automated equipment is worth learning about. Check out our recent webinar on 3 Accelerators for Motion System Design to discover the 3 paths that will help minimize project complexity and align solutions to your project requirements.
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  6. Putting Innovation and Student Success at the Top of our Wish List

    Putting Innovation and Student Success at the Top of our Wish List
    Hopefully, all your shopping is complete for 2020, but let us give you a head start on that holiday wish list for next year: Consider a vibrating pillow designed to give you a better night sleep for a more productive day in front of the computer. While it isn’t actually in production (yet!) this was the winning idea submitted by Ramzi Latreche, a senior at Ygnacio Valley High School in California, for the inaugural Wisecarver Innovation Award student design contest.
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  7. Linear Motion in Meat Band Saws - You Will be Thankful After Reading This

    Linear Motion in Meat Band Saws - You Will be Thankful After Reading This
    While you can’t use one to cut your turkey for Thanksgiving next week, knowing about meat band saws and their ability to cut through layers of meat and bone at rapid speed, could be a great conversation starter with your in-laws. You’re welcome.
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  8. When Smaller is Better: MinVee® Miniature Linear Guide

    When Smaller is Better: MinVee® Miniature Linear Guide
    Bishop-Wisecarver’s MinVee® Miniature Linear Guides provide all the benefits of the patented DualVee products, but with a compact carriage assembly and smaller double edged track. With axial load capacities up to 121 pounds and speeds up to 5 m/s It is an ideal motion solution for customer applications including medical, laboratories, packaging and semiconductor.
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  9. 2020 Customer Survey Findings

    Bishop-Wisecarver has always focused on delivering high quality linear motion solutions on-time and on-budget, and we have monitored our performance and results for years. Every year since 2012 we have asked our customers to provide candid and confidential feedback to us about our products and service as well as improvements on where we can improve. We are blessed with thousands of pieces of feedback from long-time valued customers. Here are the results from our 2020 survey.
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  10. Keeping Machines Rolling with DualVee Guide Wheel Technology

    Keeping Machines Rolling with DualVee Guide Wheel Technology
    There are more adjectives to describe Bishop-Wisecarver’s DualVee Guide Wheel technology, but you get the point. The patented vee guide wheels were designed by founder Bud Wisecarver in 1968 and the company’s signature product has been helping customers with quiet, low friction motion in even the most extreme conditions for more than 50 years.
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